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How To Prevent Roaches in Your Georgia Home!

No matter how clean you keep your home, at some time or another you’re bound to see a roach in your house. Roaches don’t just go after dirty houses, although unclean spaces do attract more of them. In fact, you can come across them even in the most impeccably clean homes.

Roach control problems aren’t just gross; they’re also unhealthy. They can cause dangerous complications for children and adults with asthma, and some people can even be allergic to cockroaches themselves. Roaches can also increase other allergens in your home, and they can contaminate your food and increase the level of harmful bacteria in your house.

Cockroaches make their way into houses searching for the four things they need to survive: food, water, shelter, and heat. There are five varieties of roaches that you’re likely to find around Georgia. Although you never want any of these guys in your home, it’s good to know the different types so that you can deal with a roach control problem as quickly as you can or call Pest Force if you’re looking for a pest control company in Monroe, Georgia

Types of Roaches Common in Georgia

  • American Cockroach — The American Cockroach is the most common roach you’ll see around north Georgia, and these roaches are a chestnut light brown color. They’re active mostly at night, and you’re likely to find them around areas that are damp and dark, like in basements, or near water sources like pipes and spigots.

  • Oriental Cockroach — The Oriental Cockroach ranges in color from black to cherry red, and you’ll see them most often at night. They usually thrive around the same places that the American Cockroach does, but chances are you won’t see them indoors.

  • Asian Cockroach — The Asian Cockroach is a smaller roach that is tan in color. These roaches can fly, and they’re attracted to light and warmth. They stay outdoors most of the time, where they live under leaves or mulch or in tall grass. You usually won’t see them unless something has disturbed their habitat.

  • Smokybrown Cockroach — The Smokybrown Cockroach is a red or dark cherry color. They are commonly found in areas with lots of hardwood coverage because they love the shelter and humidity that trees offer. In addition to in trees, you can often find them in attics or crawl spaces. If you do find them inside your home, chances are they have laid eggs nearby. These are the most difficult roaches to get rid of.

  • German Cockroach — The German Cockroach is another small roach, and these are tan with brown stripes. They live near water sources and love the warmth of appliances, so they are most commonly found indoors. In larger numbers, these roaches can be very unhealthy for children.

There are a few simple things that you can do to maximize roach control, and these preventative measures will go a long way

  • Close Up Your Pet Food — Roaches love the same stuff your four-legged family members do, so if you leave bags open, they consider it an invitation to dine. Seal the bags or buy containers to keep pet food in.

  • Declutter Your Space — Keep clutter like boxes, newspapers, magazines, and paper bags put up or thrown away. Roaches love clutter, so the more you can get rid of, the less they’ll have to get into.

  • Seal the Openings Around Your Home — Any cracks or crevices around the openings of your house can encourage roaches to come in. Be sure to seal or caulk around pipes and any gaps or cracks around the house to maximize roach control.

  • Keep Your Dishes Clean and Put Them Away — Dirty or wet dishes in your sink or on your counter can attract roaches who are searching for food and water. Keep them washed, dried, and put away to avoid inviting roaches into your kitchen.

  • Sweep or Vacuum Your Floors — Keep your floors clean and free of the crumbs that roaches love by vacuuming or sweeping regularly. Be sure to keep your vacuum bag emptied out as well.

  • Eliminate Water Sources — Water is one of the biggest attractants to roaches, so do away with that attraction by fixing leaky pipes, reducing standing water outdoors, and cleaning up any spills right away. Additionally, you shouldn’t leave water in your tubs or sinks.

  • Clean Up Around Appliances — Roaches love the warmth and the crumbs around your appliances, so keep the areas around your appliances clean, including those hard-to-reach spaces next to and behind them.

When the time comes to call an exterminator for roach control, no matter where you live around Loganville or Monroe, give Pest Force a call. We’re your source for the best roach control in metro Atlanta. We serve residential and commercial customers in Loganville, Monroe, Winder, and Athens.

The friendly and professional folks at Pest Force have the knowledge and expertise to take care of your roach control problem. We will put our experience and expertise to work to get rid of roaches in your home, regardless of the type or size of infestation. We’ll even move appliances and get behind them to make sure we eliminate all the nasty cockroaches from inside your home or office.

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